Mobilize the Entire Church with VBS

This article was written by Jenny Holzknecht-Howell, a guest writer. This is a paid promotion with Lifeway.

Signing up to host VBS sets churches up for a week of great fun, lifelong memories, and most importantly, sharing the gospel with children and their families. Every person in any stage of life can find a place to belong and serve at VBS.

Ministry leaders have the great opportunity to mobilize the entire church to reach the community with help from youth to senior adults. 

Senior Adults

There is nothing quite like seeing the senior adult groups rally together to spend weeks praying before, during, and after VBS. Many take great joy in providing lunch for the volunteers all week long–and who isn’t blessed by good food? This faithful crew has been serving the mission of VBS decade after decade and if you stick around long enough in the lunch line, you just might hear about the famous chicken salad recipe that became a favorite many, many years ago. You may hear stories of how the generations before you first heard the good news at a Backyard Bible Club. Not only do the senior adults continue to give their all to the mission of VBS, but most importantly, they share their passion for the gospel and for serving their church by their example to pour into the next generations.


Parents look forward to spending the week helping make rotations smooth, serving snacks, teaching, seeing kids do the motions they’ve practiced in worship and watching the truth of the Bible stories come to life. While many parents can participate in the daily schedule of VBS, working parents who desire to participate may need more flexible options in the weekly programming. With some creativity, any parent can find unique and important ways to jump into the planning and preparation work months before VBS takes place. The vast number of volunteers VBS requires and the unique opportunities this outreach offers extends an invitation to everyone to jump in no matter the age or availability.

College & Career

As local college students spend the summer months serving at camps and working summer jobs, VBS is a fun and memorable way to spend a week with friends investing in the kids of their community. This group can bring the energy to recreation games, take on the hot dog grilling, and elevate the experience in worship rally as kids arrive and exit! Looking for a VBS intern to assist with the practical details and lighten the load of your leaders? Look no further than this crew.


Teens love to graduate from a VBS attendee to a student leader role. How encouraging to see students who grew up attending VBS jump in and serve as team leaders and helping kids with craft activities. Students who responded to the gospel message at VBS as a child, get excited to help lead others and begin to see the value of discipleship. Teens get pumped up to learn and lead the worship rally motions, great with the welcome team, and even help spread the word about VBS in the community.

If you’d like to see a beautiful picture of generational serving and discipleship growing among every stage of life in your church, VBS is the one week that mobilizes the entire church to reach the community with the gospel–with help from teens to senior adults!

Final Thought

No matter the age or stage of life, VBS exists to share the gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to impact the hearts of families. This is why we plan, prep, build teams, and invite our community to VBS. This is what makes the long days and the late nights worthwhile. VBS is worth the time, the effort, and the investment. It’s worth it when relationships are developed, conversations about Jesus are had, seeds are planted, and hearts are transformed for eternity!

Experience Lifeway’s Magnified! VBS this summer. Kids will look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God! Check it out today at

About Jenny

Jenny Holzknecht-Howell has led in the local church for over 20 years, giving her all to family ministries across the country. Her best experience has grown from mothering her five favorite kids ages 10-25 years old. Jenny’s home is a busy hub of conversations, cooking, and loud laughter! She is passionate about connecting biblical hope with the hearts of women through writing and speaking. Jenny grew up in Alaska, so obviously her heart beats for mountains and a good snowstorm! Jenny has a B.S. in Education with a 30 Hour Bible & Theology ETA certificate from Toccoa Falls College, GA.

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