Use Your Voice

We all have talents and skills. Some of us are musicians, artists, bakers, cooks, handy with tools, and more.

We all have strengths and gifts. Some of us can teach with clarity and authority, lead worship with joy and passion, provide administrative support with vision and order, and more.

We ALL have a voice. To use our voice and to speak is something powerful we have been entrusted with.

1 Peter 4:11 tells us that, “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God… so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ…” As children of God, we have been entrusted with His Words and appointed as ambassadors. Ambassadors are official, authorized messengers capable of communicating and representing a message fully.

When I look out on the thousands of leaders serving kids and families today, I see ambassadors who are authorized and capable of passing on the words of our King to the kids and families they serve. I see leaders who are appointed as advocates for the evangelism and discipleship of this and future generations.

This is why I say your voice matters. Ambassadors use their voice in service of the King, and we have been entrusted with and are expected to speak His very words. We do this not for our own praise or even the growth of our ministries. We do this for the praise of the Lord!

Friend, I know using your voice can be hard. We know what it’s like to be misunderstood, misrepresented, or even silenced. But God, as we yield our control over our voices in obedience to represent His Words, will delight to use it.

Today, I encourage you to use your voice even when it feels vulnerable and hard. I encourage you to make space for other voices around you to use theirs. I encourage you to KEEP GOING in showing a generation how to know and speak the very Words of God.

May it be deeply rooted in us, and may it freely flow out of us.

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