Resource Partner Directory

AwanaCurriculum and VBSWe equip you with biblically-sound, gospel-centered child discipleship resources including Brite for the weekend and Awana Clubs for midweek.
Lifeway KidsCurriculum and VBSFor more than 130 years, we have served as the world’s leading nonprofit provider of ministry resources for the local church.
Planning CenterSafety, Security, and Technology SolutionsWe are an all-in-one church management system that helps churches organize every ministry and gives congregations a place to connect.
D6 Family MinistryMinistry ResourcesWe strengthen families by aligning church and home through biblical principles.
David C CookCurriculum and VBSWe equip Christians all over the world to grow in their faith and pass it on to the next generation.
Group PublishingCurriculum and VBSWe create experiences to help kids grow in relationship with Jesus and each other through Sunday School, VBS, children’s ministry resources and more!
The King of Kings FilmAuthors and Media DistributorsThis Easter, join Charles Dickens and his son on a captivating journey of storytelling, love, and discovery in The King of Kings. In theaters 2025!
Operation Christmas ChildMissions and OutreachWe seek to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, partnering with the local church to share the love of Jesus.
Tyndale House PublishersAuthors and Media DistributorsWe minister to the spiritual needs of people, primarily through the publication of literature consistent with biblical principles and through grants.
Harper Collins Christian PublishingAuthors and Media DistributorsWe are a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications.
Kidz Blitz MinistriesEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are evangelistic, high-energy, audience participation live events where the gospel is presented throughout.
Light of the World FilmAuthors and Media DistributorsCheck out the new film "Light of the World" in theaters everywhere Summer 2025. Light of the World is a new animated film based on the life of Jesus.
OrangeCurriculum and VBSWe partner with exceptional churches who build developmentally appropriate, personally relevant, relationally driven ministries.
WinShape CampsEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are a next-level summer camp experience for kids to have fun while learning more about Jesus.
Answers in GenesisCurriculum and VBSWe exist to proclaim the authority of the Bible—from the very first verse—without compromise by using apologetics.
Concordia SupplyAuthors and Media DistributorsOur mission is to help the local church create exceptional ministry and worship experiences.
Bethel SeminaryPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe strive to develop and equip whole and holy persons to serve and lead where God calls.
GO! CurriculumCurriculum and VBSGO! is the chronological curriculum that gets kids out of their seats and into the storytelling action. We love making sharing Jesus with kiddos easy!
Heifer Project InternationalMissions and OutreachFor 80 years, we have worked to end hunger and poverty in sustainable ways. We offer resources about Christ's call to care for neighbors in need.
Kids Hope USAMissions and OutreachWe are a national organization that connects missions-focused churches with their neighborhood elementary schools for one-on-one mentoring.
Lifeway Christian ResourcesAuthors and Media DistributorsFor more than 130 years, we have served as the world’s leading nonprofit provider of ministry resources for the local church.
Lift CurriculumCurriculum and VBSWe exist to lift Jesus up before children with every lesson, in the belief that if we do so, He will draw all people to Himself.
Little MountainMinistry ResourcesWe are a Commercial Interior Design firm with a primary focus on religious organizations.
RenewanationMinistry ResourcesOur mission is to transform culture by giving millions of children a biblical worldview through the family, church, and school.
The Good Book CompanyMinistry ResourcesWe strive to produce biblical, relevant, and accessible resources that will encourage you and your church family.
CentriKid CampsEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are designed with the heart of a child in mind, and God's Word is the focus of every part of our camp.
KidCheck Secure Children's Check-InSafety, Security, and Technology SolutionsOur secure children’s check-in, including mobile Express Check-In, improves child safety, streamlines check-in, creates a positive experience.
MinnoFamily SolutionsWe use media to spark kids' imaginations and curiosity around God and the Bible. We connect families through shared faith experiences.
Center for Faith and FamilyPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementThis ministry of Olivet Nazarene University exists to equip parents and caregivers to confidently pass their faith to their children.
StickersandMoreMinistry ResourcesWe assist churches & ministries nationwide to promote their organization’s brand with custom stickers, t-shirts, print, design & more.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity SchoolPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe are the premier institution preparing the next generation of ministers and academic scholars.
Upward SportsMissions and OutreachWe desire to support the local church in "promoting the discovery of Jesus through sports."
10ofThoseMinistry ResourcesWe seek to partner with churches to provide them with gospel centered resources that point to Jesus.
Alliance KidsMinistry ResourcesOur mission is to equip and empower next-generation disciple-makers through quality resources, training, and connectivity for faith formation.
Base MinistryEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe partner with churches for authentic, relational ministry towards the mission of empowering young people to continually live and share their faith.
Bogard PressCurriculum and VBSWe serve churches by providing only KJV literature which is needed to assist them in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Camp KidJamEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are designed to provide relevant Bible teaching, fun experiences for kids, leadership development opportunities, & to support engaging small groups.
Carr and CompanyMinistry ResourcesWe are a family owned business that specializes in church and educational furniture.
Christian Focus PublicationsAuthors and Media DistributorsWe are all about the message the Gospel; the message of God’s Word communicated in the Bible.
CIY SuperStartEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are a gospel-centered preteen weekend event designed for churches to engage their preteen students.
Connect MinistriesEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are a remarkable day camp experience that helps churches meet new people.
CrosswayAuthors and Media DistributorsOur purpose is to publish gospel-centered, Bible-based content that will honor our Savior and serve his church.
Christ to All (CTA)Curriculum and VBSWe create discipleship resources that equip CMLs throughout the year to lead kids to know God's Word and fall in love with Jesus.
Dallas Baptist UniversityPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementThe Master of Arts in Children's Ministry and the Master of Arts in Family Ministry prioritize understanding faith formation in children.
Donna WaylandAuthors and Media DistributorsWriting Christian books for more than twenty years. She is also a Certified Christian Life Coach living in Southwest FL.
Entre NiñosPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe are a ministry dedicated to encouraging, connecting, training, and providing resources to Latino ministry leaders and parents.
Epic OutreachEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe use expert event planning and high energy interactive shows to teach children and families at churches, camps, and community events.
Easy RisersMinistry ResourcesWe are a portable, stackable seating system that turns any children's space into a dynamic amphitheater. Have flexibility, and maximize your space.
Family Faith BuildersFamily SolutionsWe seek to help families build faith that lasts for generations by providing Bible resources that are simple and fun for kids.
Family Time TrainingFamily SolutionsWe exist to train and equip parents and grandparents to pass the Christian faith to the next generation in the home.
Filter of Hope Missions and OutreachMotivated by the compassion of Christ, Filter of Hope and the Kids' Clean Water Project brings clean water and the Gospel to people in desperate need.
FourFiveSixCurriculum and VBSWe exist to help ministry leaders raise the value of their ministry to preteens by providing curriculum, training, and other resources.
GEMS Girls' ClubsMinistry ResourcesGirls Everywhere Meeting the Savior provides club programs and other resources to bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
Giant Cow Children's MinistryEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe are a nationally touring ministry that creates and produces live, Christ-centered kids events for churches, camps, and faith-based conventions.
Gordon-Conwell Theological SeminaryPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe combine a rich tradition with cutting-edge educational innovation that is rooted in the gospel and God’s Word.
Gospel GamesMinistry ResourcesWe publish board games for children that focus on teaching biblical truths.
Great Commission PublicationsCurriculum and VBSOur vision is consistent with the mission of its parent churches, we serve the church with solidly biblical, Reformed publications.
Herald and Banner PressAuthors and Media DistributorsOur vision is consistent with the mission of its parent churches, we serve the church with solidly biblical, Reformed publications.
Huddle MonkeySafety, Security, and Technology SolutionsWe bring people together one huddle at a time. Huddle. Connect. Thrive.
Reach Your CityEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe connect Christ centered Speakers & Artists with churches and organizations to help support their members and reach their communities.
Kendu KidsCurriculum and VBSWe seek to foster and embed moral and biblical values among children through creative story telling in VBS and Sunday school curriculum.
KiDs Beach ClubMissions and OutreachWe are a faith-based non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization focused on giving every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience.
Kids Ministry CollectivePersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe serve ministry leaders from those just starting to well-seasoned leaders.
Kidz at HeartMinistry ResourcesWe train, partner with, and mobilize networks of leaders to help children fall deeply in love with Jesus by offering spiritual formation training.
Maegan's WorldEvents, Camps, and ClubsMaking church puppets cool again, Maegan is a creative communicator specializing in live events and content creation.
Ministry BoostMinistry ResourcesWe help church leaders recruit more volunteers and build healthy ministries through online courses, done-for-you resources, and coaching.
Miss PattyCakeAuthors and Media DistributorsMy mission is sharing God’s LOVE with preschoolers, teaching & discipling through music based resources and live shows, & training parents.
My Healthy ChurchCurriculum and VBSWe produce resources that empower and equip the local church! Bible Engagement Project and MEGA Sports Camp VBS are our two premier curriculums.
Nathaniel's HopeFamily SolutionsWe celebrate kids with special needs, our VIPs, and educate and equip the local church with tools for ministry.
New Growth PressAuthors and Media DistributorsReaching every church and home with gospel-centered resources that point to Jesus and help every person grow closer to Christ.
OneHopeMinistry ResourcesWe help the next generation worldwide engage with God's Word through research-based, contextualized Scripture engagement programs.
PanShu BooksMinistry ResourcesOur books are reimagined bible stories for toddlers full of funny rhyme, repetition, and colorful characters for children and their parents.
Paraclete PressMinistry ResourcesBased in Biblical principles, our books invite children to know the loving God who created them and surrounds them with beauty, goodness, and truth.
Parent CueFamily SolutionsOur goal is to cue you with what you need when you need it, so you can be the parent you want to be.
Prison Fellowship Angel TreeMinistry ResourcesWe equip churches to strengthen bonds between incarcerated parents and their children, delivering hope and supporting families.
Protect My MinistrySafety, Security, and Technology SolutionsWe serve over 35,000 churches providing background checks and child safety training.
Reach Hurting Kids InstituteMinistry ResourcesWe provide trauma-informed children's ministry resources that empower the Church to reach hurting kids in our communities.
Rice BowlsMissions and OutreachWe provide meals to orphaned kids around the world through our partnerships with faith-based children's homes.
Safespace ConceptsMinistry ResourcesWe design and produce high-quality, developmentally appropriate products for early childhood settings.
SchoolLifeMinistry ResourcesWe are committed to the overall betterment of today's youth and provides rewards, resources, and incentives to organizations.
Seeds Kids WorshipMinistry ResourcesOur creative team creates Scripture-based worship music and videos that connect the hearts of kids to the Word of God.
SitterTreeMinistry ResourcesWe are the only app for churches to find, book, and pay background-checked child care providers for service times, special events, and more!
Slingshot GroupPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe partner with organizations to find great leaders, hire quality staff, and unleash your team’s potential.
SOAR Special NeedsMinistry ResourcesWe excel at assisting churches to welcome children with special needs and disabilities and their families, according to the Luke 14 mandate.
Soles4SoulsMissions and OutreachWe turn unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity, putting them to good use – providing relief, creating jobs, and breaking the cycle of poverty.
Spyence Kids' Church CurriculumCurriculum and VBSWe are a 12-month large & small group K-6 curriculum covering a Biblical overview of theology with exciting video clips & detailed teacher scripts
Stuff You Can Use - Grow CurriculumCurriculum and VBSWe create curriculum & tools to help you put systems and strategies in place so your ministry is healthy.
Sunday CoolMinistry ResourcesWe are the one-stop shop for apparel and promotional products in faith-based communities and beyond.
Sweet SleepMissions and OutreachWe provide beds, Bibles, and mosquito nets to orphans in Uganda, sharing God's love and hope in Christ and improving their quality of life.
The Adapted WordMinistry ResourcesBe the KidMin Leader God's called you to be with tips and digital resources designed to easily and effectively teach children with disabilities.
The Whimsical SortAuthors and Media DistributorsWe create new classically written stories first and foremost. Whether they are comic books or animatics on YouTube.
US HungerMissions and OutreachWe are passionate about feeding families today and uniting them to a healthier tomorrow through church-wide missional and service meal packing events.
OM SportsLink-UniShowEvents, Camps, and ClubsThrough an epic unicycle show, we deliver an unforgettable Gospel presentation, inspiring students to use their unique abilities to impact the world!
VBS DisplaysMinistry ResourcesWe provide high quality decorations for VBS that are easy to assemble and don't break the bank!
Wacky World StudiosMinistry ResourcesWe create amazing, immersive themed environments for any space and every budget. If you can dream it, we can theme it!
Wesley SeminaryPersonal Leadership Development and Career AdvancementWe prepare Christian leaders to engage in missional ministry locally and globally.
With MinistriesMinistry ResourcesWe champion congregations ministering with people with disabilities, where all are known, have opportunities to serve, lead, and worship together.
Woodlands Camp - FreestyleEvents, Camps, and ClubsWe exist to inspire and equip this generation to do justly, love mercy, & walk humbly with God using unforgettable and impactful experiences.
Yancy Ministries, Inc.Ministry ResourcesHelping kids fall in love with Jesus one song at a time. We are here to partner with you to establish worship discipleship for every generation.
Ministry ResourcesCurrent worship songs produced for kids ministry! Engaging hand motion and lyric videos, kids choir resources, event-in-a-box, and training programs.
Oriental TradingMinistry ResourcesShop religious crafts, supplies, and more for events like Sunday School, VBS, and first communion. Buy direct and save more for faith-based celebrations and education!

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