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Let God Deal With Everything Else

When you hear the phrase “let it go” you almost instantly think of the hit song from Disney’s animated film “Frozen”. But while reading in the book of John this week, the phrase “let it go” served as a great reminder.

We pick up the story in John chapter 11 as a good friend of Jesus, name Lazarus, died. Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, found Jesus to let him know what was going on. From the tone of the story, it seems as though Mary and Martha expected Jesus to come with them so Jesus could heal their brother. But their plan didn’t work out the way they thought it would.

Take a look at this passage from John 11:3-6 (NLT):

“Hello!…….Jesus, he doesn’t have a paper cut, HE’S REALLY SICK. In fact, he might die, you need to come with us….NOW”. But, He didn’t. He just acknowledged that he heard them, let them know that this was a “big picture” issue, and went on with whatever He was doing. Can you imagine how Mary and Martha felt?

Don’t forget, these two sisters were very connected to Jesus. This is the Mary who “poured perfume on the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair.” (vs. 2). But Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, had a plan. Mary, Martha, and the rest of the family had no idea what in the world He was doing. It was out of their control.

I know, it sounds so ridiculously elementary that intelligent people like you and me should not waste our breath uttering such simplistic concepts….right? Maybe that’s the case with you, but on occasion, I forget this. Even with the best of intentions, at times some of us forget that so much of life is outside our control, so……let it go. The best thing you and I can do is focus our attention on the things we can control and let God deal with everything else. Now, I’m sure you would agree with that statement, but the truth is, if you are a “get it done” type of person, this is a struggle.

This is a good example of how our strengths can become our greatest weakness. For example, if you are that “get it done” person, you have a system and process for what you do and that process has proven to be quite effective. The fact that others don’t operate that way may bug you, but it’s not that big of a deal until you are forced to “partner” with them on a project. Now it’s a big deal!

You start to wonder how these people manage to get dressed and find their way to work every day. You might think things like “These guys just fly by the seat of their pants” or “They make things up as they go”. Either way, it frustrates the heck out of you……..let it go. You may not even like the way your Sr. Pastor makes decisions. Well, unless he is coming to you for input (which I doubt)……let it go.

Maybe God seems silent when you cry out to Him with the details of how He should intervene (been there, done that). Maybe you feel the confusion of Mary and Martha and wonder if God heard you correctly.

Well, make no mistake my friend. He knows what’s going on. And there’s a “big picture” plan at work even if you can’t see it. All the more reason we should focus on the things that are within our control, and let God deal with everything else.

You see, my goal is NOT to “take over the world” or have “ultimate rule”. Rather, I simply love God and the Church with all my heart, and I truly want to make an impact for the kingdom. In fact, I bet you feel the exact same way.

But, in the process, I sometimes get frustrated when I can see the obvious answer but for whatever reason, God hasn’t picked up on it yet (said with much sarcasm). Don’t give in to worry, stress, and other debilitating distractions that could prevent that glorious miracle you and your family have been waiting on.

God is at work and He truly knows best! If we were really in control, we would all be in big trouble.

Thank God we are not in control, and He is, so……let it go.

About Steve

Steve Adams is the Executive Director for INCM. He has served as a pastor in the local church for over 33 years. For 13 years, Steve served as the Executive Pastor of Children’s Ministry at Saddleback Church providing leadership to dynamic teams of staff and volunteers who minister to kids and families across California, Germany, the Philippines, Argentina, and China. He was also a member of the Saddleback Global Executive Team which gives leadership to all Saddleback Campuses across the world. Steve is married to his high school sweetheart Stephanie and has two sons, Tyler and Matthew, two daughter-in-law’s, Jessie and Faith, and two grandchildren Avery and Dakota.

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