Kidz Blitz: Events that Connect People to “That Moment” with the Holy Spirit

This guest post was written by Donnie Slade, President & CEO of Blitz Ministries.

At the beginning of the summer of 2021, Blitz Ministries was at a church in Tennessee. As we normally do towards the end of each Blitz event, we presented the Gospel and gave people the opportunity to respond to the story of Jesus.

During the response time, I said, “Boys and girls, if you made a decision today, lean over to your parents and let them know. Mom and dad, if you made a decision, lean over to your spouse or child and let them know.” 

As I was looking over the crowd, just to my left I noticed a dad and son sitting together. The young boy looked to be about eight years old. As I was watching, I noticed him lean over to his dad and say, “I made that decision.” 

Paying attention to the dad who had tears streaming down his face, I saw him lean over to his son and say, “I did, too.”

We get a front-row seat to see God work in big ways, and we get to do it with ministries like yours across the country.

The primary role of Blitz Ministries is to partner with churches and create events that illustrate, with sight and sound, the grace and the power of God. There is no sermon. We teach throughout the events using games, challenges, objects, and lots of action, which are used to illustrate spiritual truths and biblical principles on a kid level.

Think of the events as a Nickelodeon game show with a Super Bowl environment that communicates the Gospel to kids and families. And most of all, through the events, we want to see people in your communities come into a relationship with Jesus.

God Knows How to Work

We never know who’s coming on the stage to participate in a game and what God wants to do in their lives. At a recent event, I invited a father up on stage to play a game with water balloons. As it happened, he ended up taking a water balloon splash on the head and his expression was not one of happiness. He looked downright angry. He left the stage, and I wondered if I would have a conversation with him later that night about his dissatisfaction with the game.

As the event went on, we continued with our games and energy, connecting the Gospel message with our activities. Again, as we do at the end of every Blitz event, we invite kids and parents to receive salvation. I noticed during our invitation a little girl had come forward to accept Jesus. 

Following the event as I tore down the set, I saw the man coming toward me. I thought of what I could say to calm him down or apologize. As we talked, he shared how he had just lost his job and how he felt like the water balloon to his head was the last straw. He was indeed angry. But as the night went on, it was his little girl who came forward to accept Jesus into her life. And following the event, the man ran into a friend from the church who knew he had lost his job and asked if the man would work for him. Instead of leaving angry, he left with his needs met.

While I didn’t know what this man needed, God sure did. Isn’t that what we long to see in each of our ministries? 

God Moved During Covid

We have story after story of what God has done through Blitz Ministries over the years. And we wondered what was going to happen after this past season. From March to August 2020, like much of the country and so many of your ministries, Blitz Ministries was shut down. We had over 40 events canceled with no date to rebook. None of us knew when we would be back. 

But God… He sustained us through the shutdown. But God… Churches began to book and rebook, so much so that we ran out of dates this summer. But God… We have seen hundreds of parents and kids give their lives to Jesus. But God… In June of 2020, Roger Fields, founder of Blitz Ministries, retired and I had the distinct privilege of taking the mantle. What looked impossible in the natural, God made possible in the supernatural. It has us saying, “But God! But God! But God!”

We Are Dedicated to the Gospel and the Local Church

This summer has been a whirlwind. From Louisiana to Michigan, Texas to Georgia, Oregon, and everywhere in between, God has been so faithful. 2021 has been one of the busiest years for Blitz Ministries. My wife, Christy, and I left home at the end of May and stayed on the road doing events until late August. During that time, our other two teams were also traveling and doing events. Even after 2020, God is showing us that He still has more for our ministry. 

For the past many years, our objective is to uplift the Lord Jesus Christ and serve the local church. While we are an event ministry, we do way more than put on events.

Blitz Ministries is about moments. We want to create the opportunity for kids and families to experience “that moment” with the Holy Spirit that will change people’s lives for generations to come.

We are there to serve the church; this is their event, not ours. But we get the opportunity to see God work in the lives of people across the United States, and that’s an honor.

Check out this short video from a pastor sharing his experience with Blitz Ministries. As a thank you for all you do in ministry, we would like to give you a digital copy of our game book.

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