
Inspirational articles to encourage you and strengthen your leadership.

Don’t Get Distracted
by Dale Hudson Have you ever noticed what goes on when a player is shooting a free throw in a major game? Hundreds of people behind the goal are waving their arms, dozens of camera lights are flashing, and thousands of people are yelling and…
Beyond Bubbles and Bouncers for Babies
by Karen Apple LOVE | LEARNING | WORSHIP  The story of Moses begins as a “baby’s story” but continues as a story of rescue for a nation. The story of Jesus begins as a “baby’s story,” but continues as a story of redemption for the…
Saturating Ministry with Jesus
by Andy Johnson What the next generation needs is Jesus. A generation that finds its satisfaction in anything other than the King is a generation that will experience utter failure in the grand scheme of life and kingdom. The twenty-first century offers plenty of enticing…
Safe Church Guidelines
by Loralee Boe The situation: You have children in every classroom and everything is humming along smoothly. Wait, there is a small group of parents gathered and whispering. Your “problem” radar goes off and you greet them with a smile. “Anything I can do?” Three…
Bending a Kid’s World
by Jamie Doyle Bend – v. – To change an average experience into an unforgettable moment by applying unrelenting effort. EXPERIENCES …kids remember them! You cannot remember everything – but, I guarantee that you remember experiences that you have had through your life. And as you…
Training and Equipping Children – Children Are Not Too Young
by John and Shirley Tasch For over twenty years we have taken children all over the world on short-term mission trips. We have seen countless numbers of miracles as children are preaching the Gospel, laying hands on the sick, prophesying, seeing visions and doing the…
A Four Step Plan for Involving Children with Special Needs
by Pat Verbal As a children’s pastor, I always enjoyed visiting classrooms. Our teachers often surprised me with a new, creative display or learning activity. Sometimes I would slip into a chair in the back of the classroom to watch the children’s reactions. On one…
Gender Wars: The Ultimate Preteen Sleepover!
by Kurt Goble The chaos is organized. The spontaneity is planned. The lesson is prepped. But your preteens will not notice. They will be too busy having a blast during this experimental lesson in resolving conflict. Preteens love the spontaneity and excitement of this event….
Talk To Kids about Disaster (Part 2)
by Dale Hudson Last month I shared insight about ministering to children who are fearful or anxious because of a disaster that happened somewhere else. This month I want to talk about ministering to children and families who have been directly effected by a disaster….

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