5 Points to Ponder when Your Soul is Overwhelmed

This article was written by Leann Woelk, a member of the INCM Blog Team.

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

3 John 2

Ministry can be challenging work. 

There is always a lot to manage. 

Despite our best intentions, we can find ourselves tired, depleted, and overwhelmed. 

If you’re in this spot, we want this article to be an encouragement to you.

When we don’t find the right rhythms, keep boundaries, or have people to go with us, ministry can knock us down or, unfortunately, take us out.

We’ve outlined a scripture activity for you to do to realign yourself with God and gain some of the perspectives you need to keep running the race in ministry to kids. 

How to Do the Activity

Using colored pencils, highlight the points to ponder in each theme and verse.

  1. Find the verse in your bible.
  2. Choose a green colored pencil, and write “the Point to Ponder” theme in the margin next to the verse. 
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His word to your heart.
  4. Read the verse aloud and take note of words that stand out to you.
  5. Using the green colored pencil, draw a line under the word(s) the Holy Spirit highlighted to you. Take one minute to ponder on these points in scripture. Read the whole scripture aloud. 
  6. Using a yellow colored pencil, circle every word that relates to God. Take one minute to ponder on these points in scripture. Read the whole scripture aloud.
  7. Using a red colored pencil, softly color over the words that represent God’s mercy, grace, identity, redemption, righteousness, and authority He has given you as a child of God. Take one minute to ponder on these points in scripture. Read the whole scripture aloud.
  8. Respond to His word by talking with the Lord using words that He revealed to your heart. Remember, God comes close when we move toward him (James 4:8). 
  9. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you and be your Comforter and guide you in Spirit and in Truth.

Consider the following Points to Ponder to think through what you need and how you need to respond to God.

Be Honest 

The first step to good health, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually is being honest with ourselves.

Acknowledge something isn’t right with your soul – your mind, will, and emotions. 

Then, tell a trusted friend. 

Maybe you have been performing your duties out of obligations but you have lost all your joy and passion. 

Maybe you’ve taken on too much responsibility, and you don’t have any margin.

Maybe your team has unrealistic expectations and you’re having a hard time saying “no.” 

Maybe you’ve found your identity in your ministry, and it’s coming up short in affirming you. 

I have been there, too. And so have many other leaders.

It’s time to step out of denial and acknowledge how you really feel about your present ministry situation. 

Do the scripture activity using this verse:

Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in evaluating yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. 

Romans 12:3

Stop Justifying

Do you find yourself justifying your unhealthy habits? 

Are you comparing yourself to others “less than” you? 

Have you ever heard yourself saying, “Well at least I don’t do __________ like so and so”? 

These comparisons with others can make you overwhelmed and stuck, and can stunt the growth God is doing in you. 

Sure you’re not like so and so, but you have your own heart to deal with.

It’s time to stop justifying the things you are doing that you know are not completely lined up with healthy rhythms for your leadership, the type of leadership that Jesus modeled for us.

Spend some time with the Lord and ask Him where the root of this justification comes from and allow the Lord to dig down to the deepest place and remove the root. 

Do the scripture activity using this verse:

Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.

Romans 14:12-13 

Take Responsibility

What are you responsible for in this relationship or situation?   

Have you ever had a time when you wonder, Why am I SO ANGRY about this?  

At one point in my ministry, I was so mad at this guy at church. 

I came home and blurted it all out to my husband. 

He didn’t understand why I was so angry! 

I thought my husband was suppose to support ME not the other person!! 

What I didn’t see was that he WAS supporting me by telling me the truth. 

I realized I needed to spend some time with the Lord and ask Him some questions about this situation. 

“God, why am I so angry about this situation?”

“Lord, what am I responsible for in this situation and relationship?”

I listened for the answers and pondered the answers I heard, “our attitude, pride, unforgiveness.”

Does any of this sound familiar to you right now?

If it does, spend some time talking with the Lord and ask, “Lord, what am I responsible for in this situation?”  

Listen to Him speak to you.  

Take responsibility for what you said or did to contribute to the situation. (It could be nothing, too.)

Ask the Lord what you need to do about the problem.  

If He reveals sin, confess it.  

If He reveals pride, humble yourself.  

If He reveals unforgiveness, forgive. 

You will feel the heavy load lifted off your heart.

Do the scripture activity using this verse:

We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry. In everything we do, we show that we are true ministers of God. We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind.

2 Corinthians 6:3-4 

Invite Jesus In

Inviting Jesus to come into the pain and hurt is something that we may not have thought about doing.  

We know he is there for us in our minds. 

We might have even brought the situation to him many times before. 

No matter how many times we do it, we need to continue to open our hearts to let Him come in and touch the fragile parts. 

Our hearts can be bruised by someone’s insensitivity; torn by division in our team; broken when you overhead gossip and you were misrepresented to a group of peers in the church.  

When we invite Him into the pain and hurt, we give Him permission to be the gentle healer that He is who will tend to your heart. 

Do the scripture activity using this verse:

So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.

Hebrews 4:14-15

Forgive Yourself

We know we are to forgive others. 

BUT… have you forgiven yourself for the past? 

In my own life, I have told hundreds of people that they needed to forgive themselves but I had not done it myself. 

Often the wrestling in our souls is because we haven’t forgiven ourselves for an action we have done against someone who hurt us or words we spoke about a coworker.  

God forgives you, it’s time to forgive yourself.

Do the scripture activity using this verse:

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Romans 8:1-2


Whatever you need to do to find help and healing during this challenging season of ministry, your spiritual and emotional health is vital to your ability to face them. 

And your connection to God is the most important factor in your decision to stay faithful.

I am routing for your flourishing even when ministry is hard. And I trust that God is able to do a work in you, even though the burden is heavy. 

So I pray for you:

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

About Leann

Leann Woelk is a Children’s Ministry Specialist who enjoys using everyday items to teach biblical truths through whimsical creativity and thrifty practicality. She is a speaker, writer, and Certified INCM Coach. As the Founder of Handle with Care Ministries, she partners with churches to provide training, support, and care to Children’s Ministry Leaders and their church families. 

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